Post a DFIR job requiring no prior work experience in Digital Forensics or Incident Response.
Get the word out about your job opening for free! All job postings are manually approved. Job postings expire automatically after 30 days. Approved jobs are shared on the DFIR Diva Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. Job postings also display on the main DFIR Diva site and the Free and Affordable Training Site.
- Enter the Job Title, Location and Job Types (in addition to full-time or part time, please indicte if the job is open to international candidates and/or remote)
- Copy/paste or enter the job description.
- Enter the company’s application page where it asks for the Application URL to link the “Apply for job” button to the job application.
- Enter the name of the company and any optional company details.
- You will be able to preview the posting before submitting it.
- After submission, it will be in pending status until it is manually approved.
Jobs must be posted in English.
Please consider donating to the Get Your Start in DFIR Scholarship Fund.